Tel: (660) 665.2003
E-mail: atiedemann@kirksvillecity.com
Address: 315 S Franklin St, Kirksville, MO 63501
Anastasia Tiedemann joined the Missouri SBDC in 2015 as the Small Business Counselor at the Economic Development Alliance in Kirksville where she has been working in conjunction with Kirksville Regional Economic Development, Inc. and Missouri Rural Enterprise and Innovation Center. Since joining she has specialized in counseling start-ups, financial projections, and business planning. She finds it inspiring and rewarding to help others achieve success.
Anastasia has over 20 years of experience in marketing and entrepreneurial education. She holds a BA in Communications from the University of Pittsburgh and began her career at WQED, Pittsburgh Public Television, followed by Hawthorne Direct in Iowa. She then spent almost 15 years at The Professional Education Institute in their suburban Chicago location, working behind-the-scenes in the planning, execution and compliance of numerous television marketing campaigns, and provided support to their personal coaching programs and e-learning initiatives.
Anastasia resides in Kirksville with her husband, Nate Tiedemann, and their 5 children.